I slept well last night but woke up very congested. I broke down and went back to my surgeon's office to have my nose cleaned out. That made me feel sooooo much better! My nose is still dripping blood tinged discharge (an improvement from pure blood) and I asked my surgeon about it. He said it's normal and a good sign that healing is under way. It will keep dripping for a few more days. He thinks my swelling peaked today and should start to improve tomorrow. I sure hope so. Although my swelling isn't nearly as bad as some others have had, it's still uncomfortable. I feel like I'm wearing a heavy, tight mask over the middle part of my face. It's starting to loosen up - yesterday I couldn't move the right side of my upper lip and today I can. More and more feeling is coming back and things are tingling. It doesn't hurt, it just feels weird. It looks weird, too, because I haven't regained full use of my face and lips.
On the way home from the surgeon's office my husband and I picked up cheeseburgers and shakes for lunch. I tried to eat my cheeseburger chopped up in tiny pieces but kept choking on them, plus the instinct to chew was too strong (and I'm not supposed to chew for 12 weeks), so I tossed my cheeseburger into the blender with some beef broth instead. It looked gross but tasted delicious and I was in heaven for a little while. :-) The milkshake was good, too. I'm not able to use a straw yet so I ate both through a syringe. It sounds like a pain but it's easier and less messy than drinking out of a cup. That is, unless your syringe gets stuck, which mine did later in the day. It had a blowout and I had a small temper tantrum while cleaning up the mess. Stupid syringe!
My BFF came over this afternoon and it was so nice to just hang out. Except for the part where I fell asleep (SORRY!). Thankfully she did most of the talking because I'm unintelligible a good portion of the time. Today I seemed to have more trouble talking than the previous 2 days, mostly because my mouth is full of thick drool. It resists all efforts to spit it out or rinse it out, so the only thing I've been able to do is soak it up with a paper towel. Thank goodness we bought an industrial sized package of paper towels a few weeks ago. I think I will go through them all if this drool and nose dripping keeps up.
My energy level comes and goes. I seem to bounce between feeling really, really good and energetic and so tired that I must take a short nap.
I also had a headache for the better part of the day. Tylenol and cold packs helped a lot.
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